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Panel discussion: Agriculture 2030 #futurefarming

Liveblogging, alle Zitate nur grob sinngemäß ***
Panelists: – Eveline, World Farmers AssociationChristineCorby, Food critic Atlantic Monthly Magazine – Adrian Percy, bayer R&D (links see below)

Most often people speak about us, here we can speak for ourselves. We need to feed many more people in 2030, we need to produce 60% more food by that time, we don’t have more land or water, so we need to deal with this problem. Innovation isn the answer, we need to be more efficient as wee need to produce more from less. we also need to produce food/income for the farmers themselves. Zambia produces lots of food, but is otvery food secure, but that is not true. Lots needs to be done here.

We are a very young association that peomotes vertical farming. We procude tasty fresh food from stacked greenhouses. The idea came from BA´NASA to feed astronauts but it boomed on earth in the last 3 years. Vertical farms will be in every city in the developed world, maybe also the industrial world. Humidity and tempretature in soil-less spaces that are closed cycles are used and re-used/cleaned.
You can do it underground, you can crete green buildings, you can instal it in existing buildings. (…)
We should feed people where they live: in cities.

The farther you get away from a farmers market the more blurry the image of a armer gets. Lots of immigrants run fars in the US (not enough african americans). The image is very different from the images at the supermarket. Consumers have no idea where their food comes from and when in grows. The avergae farmer in the US is 58 (in Japan 67 – infromation from yestrefay, Oliver). many dairy farers in small productions are women but cannot make a living from it. They need a job for health insurance. 70%, 2 years ago, had internet access. Technology and the makers movement may attract young peopple to be farners or food producers. There are many startups in this area now. teaching farmers how food and technology connet is important.

Adrian (bayer):
2030 is so yesterday for us in R&D, we have that set up, let me talk about 2050.
Farmers need to speak up, their liveliehoods are threatened by public opinions.
Kids have little appreciation for Sienece n general and food specially. csence and food can lead to a career and we educate kids and teachers about this. Transparency is important. We also educate our employees as advocates for modern agriculture.

(I’ll skip the Q&A, Ths is somewhat to ‘flimsy’ to liveblog…)

[2016-09-07 15:41 | | ]
[Kat. ]

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